The Mighty Have Fallen

Communist leader Vladimir Lenin, said, “there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” We Americans are experiencing just that. Since the presidential election of 2016, the liberal establishment has shown signs of being infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS. The establishment laughed at team Trump until the early morning hours of November 9th, 2016, when their party came to a screeching halt. The unthinkable happened. The “basket of deplorables” rose to the occasion and rejected the establishment’s candidate and elected Donald Trump as America’s 45th president. The dark state wasted no time in undermining Trump’s presidency and tried its best using two “dogs and pony show” impeachment trials to overturn a national election.

Before I continue, a little self-disclosure is due here. For years, I have told my congregants to vote for the party of their choice. I am voting for Jesus. I have no confidence in the political process of democracy. Most voters have experienced buyer’s remorse with their candidate. Elected officials seldom deliver on their campaign promises. Politicians hope the voter has a brief memory come next election cycle.

I am no fan of Donald Trump or Joe Biden. I identify as a member of the “basket of deplorables.” I believe politics—city of man—directly oppose God’s kingdom—city of God. St Augustine of Hippo wrote a multivolume treatise on this subject centuries ago. The Roman Empire was collapsing, and many people were blaming Christians for its demise (sound familiar?). America is collapsing like Rome. Trump and Biden profess Christ. The scriptures say “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” You are the judge of their character.

The deep state is terrified of the “basket of deplorables.” The deplorables continue to rally around Trump. Hence, the establishment wants him silenced and disqualified as a candidate for president in 2024. TDS has finally manifested itself in the crazed indictment of former president Donald Trump. The United States has finally become a banana republic. The city sitting on a hill, a light to the world, has fallen into the pit of feebleness and banana republic politics. Iranian, Chinese, and Russian leaders are laughing at America. They no longer fear the “walk softly and carry a big stick” USA.

Commenting on the recent geopolitical changes sweeping the world, Xi Jinping of China said “changes that haven’t been seen in 100 years” do have a knack of affecting us all in more ways than one.” Using the Ukraine to poke the Russian Bear has been an economic disaster for the US led NATO members. Western economies are in freefall, while Russia’s economy has never been better. Russia is laughing at Western sanctions all the way to the bank.

Trump’s indictment is a symptom of a larger problem. We are witnessing the downfall of America. The rule of law means nothing. The Constitution is in shambles. New York City violence is at an all-time high while the DA is out chasing Trump. Reports say the DA who indicted Trump is himself a lawbreaker. His chief deputy brags about giving safe harbor to violent felons. He says, “criminals are not bad dudes.” It appears the inmates are running the asylum.

People waiting on the ship “Making America Great Again” to come in don’t realize it’s been sunk. I believe we are entering a very dark and dangerous period, much darker than the COVID days. Do you recall how quickly the government shut down the country? How quickly the masses submitted? What we will soon experience will destroy what is left of our freedoms. There is no way to deprogram those who trust politicians, mainstream media, big pharma, and the science that lied. These people are too weak to fight back. That leaves just a few of us, the ones who will not back down and comply with authoritarianism. All the signs are there, we know we can NEVER ever trust the politicians, mainstream media, big pharma, science, and the government.

Why am I so pessimistic? I read the Bible and I believe it. Anyone who casually reads Revelation chapter thirteen can see we are thisclose to total economic control by a despot. The totalitarian state is beating down our doors. What surprises me is how easily people surrender to it. The organized church which embraces “wokeism” will lead the way to the anti-Christ.

I am writing this during Holy Week. Jesus rode into Jerusalem to the cheers of an adoring crowd on Palm Sunday; shouting blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. A few days later, the same crowd shouted: we have no king BUT Caesar. Crucify him. The religious officials wanted Jesus dead. They manipulated the power of the state to carry out their dastardly deeds. Manipulation works in both directions. The masses are being manipulated by religious and political leaders. My advice is: “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Lu 21:36). Happy Easter!