The Madness Continues

A Florida teacher is under investigation by the state’s Department of Education for showing a Disney movie with a gay character. The movie may violate Florida’s “Parental Bill of Rights.” A fifth-grade teacher in Hernando County School District showed the film “Strange World” in her classroom. The teacher said she chose to show it to her class after a section on ecosystems. The movie focuses on humans’ relationship to the environment. She said a subplot about a boy having a crush on another boy never crossed her mind before screening the film. Either the teacher is incompetent or fibbing.

All schools have policies regarding what movies can be shown to students. There are procedures teachers must follow to show movies to their students. Someone dropped the ball at this occurrence. Now that parents are outraged a spokesperson for the school said the movie would no longer be shown; there is a school board policy that guides the use of movies in classrooms and that the movie may violate Florida’s “Parental Bill of Rights.” So, either the teacher took it upon themselves to show the movie without clearing it through proper officials or the teacher had approval and was thrown under the bus.

Teachers have surpassed the “Fake News media” as public enemy #1. They’re groomers, coercing their students into accepting and engaging in homosexuality and then hiding it from those same students’ parents. The teacher under fire is making the rounds on TV news defiantly defending her actions. She said a parent’s right to shield their child from LGBTQ conversations is “gone” when that child attends public school. The teacher’s hubris and arrogance are breathtakingly ham-handed.

Schools are now Communist indoctrination centers, staffed by mentally ill teachers pushing all manner of sexual depravity on their students. Teenagers today, especially teenage boys, have been abandoned by schools. They have no direction, no leadership, no positive role models. Kids come to school one day and find Mr. Bob Smith, their music teacher, is no longer Mr. Smith. His name is now Doris. Yesterday he was a man today he is a woman? Students are told to address him as Ms. Smith or face suspension.”

In history class, you notice the flag of the United States has been replaced by a rainbow flag. Between classes you pass a girl sporting a nose ring and half of her hair is dyed blue and the other half is shaved off. She proudly introduces herself as “Steve.” She wants to hang out with the guys. You say to yourself “she used to be so pretty, what happened?”

Teen girls aren’t faring any better. Bill, who used to be the class clown, has decided he is she. She is now wearing a dress so she can use the girl’s locker room. She hides her phone under her skirt and snaps pictures of girls in various stages of undress. She sells them for ten bucks apiece on the Internet. He gets a kick out of undressing in front of shocked and embarrassed girls. When the girls protest school officials say he/she has a right to be there—get over it.

Every day the news is full of outrageous examples of schools going wild. The adults have disappeared and left the supervising and teaching to the crazed. If you are looking for things to get better, you might win the mega millions lottery before you see things turn around.

Twenty-eight-hundred years ago the prophet Isaiah said, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” We are witnessing the intentional upending of American civilization as we know it. The good news is God will take care of this evil craziness in his time. The bad news is it will get a lot worse before it gets better.

What to do about it in the interim? Take interest in what your children are hearing and doing in school. Ask questions. Be intrusive. Demand to see their cell phone. Put parental locks on the Internet and their cell phone. Kids may protest but they really want direction and rules. The devil is feeding their soul a lot of social garbage and immorality. Don’t assume your child will “grow out” of their newfound gender expression. Above all pray without ceasing! Your child may be closer to the slippery slope than you know.