Pick A War

War comes in many varieties. There is the war in the Ukraine. US officials have stressed since the start of the Russian special operation that no US troops will be sent to the Ukraine. A US Air Force member publicly posted secret documents showing US boots are on the ground in the Ukraine. Once again, our government has intentionally misled the American people. Woodrow Wilson, when campaigning for reelection, said he wasn’t sending our boys to fight in Europe. After he won reelection, they sent our boys to the killing fields of France in WWI.

President Roosevelt said the same thing in 1940. All the while trying every backdoor trick imaginable to get America drug into WWII. Lyndon Johnson said the same thing when campaigning for election. He would not send our boys to the jungles of Southeast Asia. Like Roosevelt and Wilson, he was lying to the electorate. Now we have President Biden caught in a fib. Will there be any fallout? Let’s pray the Russians don’t regard US troops on the ground in the Ukraine as an act of war (it is).

The next war we are in is defining right and wrong. The moral fabric of the US is in tatters. There’s not much of a moral compass left. It’s no longer clear to the average American what is right and what is wrong. The Manhattan District Attorney views theft as a “crime of poverty.” He promises not to prosecute theft to establish a “racial equity balance.” Other progressively run cities have followed suit. The consequences are mind-boggling.
Videos of “smash and grab” robberies—where large groups rush into a large store like Walmart and grab as much merchandise as they can carry—are circulating online. In places like Portland and Chicago, Walmart has closed some its stores because of the rise in theft. Target has closed stores in downtown Chicago, Minneapolis, and Washington, DC. The commandment of “thou shalt not steal” doesn’t apply in California either.
Another war is biological, between the sexes. It’s become unclear in many people’s minds what a man is, what a woman is, and what the difference is. Sex assigned at birth means nothing to those pushing the “woke agenda.” Boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Why? Because the drive-by-media has decreed it so. Gender dysphoria activists will shut down and even assault anyone who disagrees. Schools are fast becoming fertile grounds for new converts to the growing madness.

Satan is at war with the true church. The church is full of wolves in sheep’s clothing, traitors, and false prophets. Inclusiveness, as in embracing all forms of sexual identity and practices, is not of God and is condemned in scripture. However, the professional clergy, with their twisting of the scriptures, has fooled millions of people. The devil has his ministers and God has his.

Of course, there are many Christians who do not believe there is a devil or Satan, or hell, or eternal punishment. They believe everyone gets a ticket to heaven. They scoff at the mention of a devil and poke fun at such a medieval notion. For the rest of us who believe Satan exists, rough waters are ahead. Peter says the devil is our adversary and walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. From what I can tell, he’s having a smorgasbord feast.

The progressive culture is at war with the church and any Christian who espouses what they term as out-of-date old-fashioned views of scripture and morality. They worship at the altar of modern pseudoscience. They proclaim science has irrefutably delivered humanity from the darkness of medieval superstitions about God and the devil. Sigmund Freud described God as an illusion. An infantile need. He said humanity has progressed to where religion can be abandoned in favor of science and reason.

Christian churches are celebrating the newfound sexual freedom. Come to their church and males can come dressed as females and give a sermon to the children. Schools are allowing children to identify as animals. Kindergarten aged children are being asked what sex do you want to be? Young adults with confused gender identities are being encouraged to consider gender reassignment surgery; and they give young children puberty blockers to preempt natural development. If this immoral conduct continues unabated, what comes next? There will be a next!
Jesus said when we pray, let our prayer be ‘deliver us from evil.’ Paul tells us to put on the entire armor of God so we can stand against the wiles of the devil and defeat him. He reminds us to pray without ceasing. Keep praying, says Paul, so that God can deliver us from unreasonable and wicked men. The wicked outnumbered us, but ‘IF God be for us, who can be against us?’