No End In Sight

Last June I wrote about the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX. The crazed gunman killed 19 children and 2 teachers were killed: making it the fourteenth mass shooting at U.S. schools since the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. Here’s the latest senseless shooting to add to this list. This past Monday, a heavily armed intruder shot their way into a private Christian elementary school in Nashville, TN. In a matter of minutes, the intruder killed three nine-year-old students and three adults before the police killed the shooter. Now there are fifteen mass school shootings.

As police release more details of the shooting, a bizarre and grim picture is emerging. The shooter was a transgender female who identifies as a male: the attack was pre-planned, and the school targeted: the shooter texted several friends prior to the shooting, showing she/he was going to die. Ironically, she/he was a former student of Covenant School. She/he left a manifesto. Authorities have yet to release the document.
After every shooting comes the politicization of the tragedy. The press secretary of the governor of Arizona resigned after posting an inflammatory tweet appearing to sympathize with the shooter. President Biden, before his remarks about the shooting, showed his own sociopathic tendencies by joking about getting an ice cream cone. The American Teacher’s Federation president called for an assault weapons ban following the Nashville school shooting, citing Australia and New Zealand as examples. The gun is always the criminal.

Next comes the so-called experts and armchair sleuths. They label nearly every mass shooter a sociopath. Sociopaths are anti-social, devoid of empathy, and have a predisposition for violence. No surprise when they go on a killing spree. Case closed. Another calamity will quickly eclipse this tragedy and this heart break will fade from the news cycle until the next shooting. Yes, there will be more shootings. Except this time, the perpetrator is a transgender. A member of the protected.Damage control is already on the scene. A transgender group released a statement which said, “The second and more complex tragedy is that Aiden [the shooter’s preferred name] or Aubrey Hale, who felt he had no effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others, and by consequence, himself.” This statement is outrageous, calling the shooter a “victim” in this tragedy. CBS News is ordering staff not to use the term “transgender” to describe the shooter. Other media organizations are deflecting the shooter being transgender. The sociopathic label won’t be used here.

This isn’t the stereotypical angry white male with a gun and a Bible. This is a transgender. Early indications are she/he was suffering from some type of severe mental illness. They will make her/his mental illness out the villain in this case. Experts who treat gender dysphoria say giving children or adults drugs to arrest sexual development creates a host of mental and physiological issues. Many therapists say the psychological damage transgenders experience is terrifying.

Our children are under attack. The latest shooting shows private schools are not exempt from a crazed killer. More police won’t solve the problem. Arming teachers won’t prevent shootings. In this latest shooting, the shooter had a detailed map of the school layout and had scouted out the school. She/he knew there were no armed guards at the school. Surveillance video shows she/he shot her/his way into the school. The question to ask is why are schools targeted? Why are innocent children the victims of someone’s rage?

The answer to all this madness may be as clear as mud. It certainly may not be one with which many will agree. But the answer is simple. The bulwarks of society are breached: the home, church, and family unit. The dam has burst and our children are now paying the price for years of national promiscuity.

The Presbyterian Church is considering a formal petition urging states and the federal government to “renounce the sin” of permitting transgender procedures for minors. This is the first ray of light coming from the organized church. Science says a person’s sex is determined the moment conception occurs. Human biology science doesn’t support transgenderism, although it is under great pressure to come up with some bizarre theory.
Don’t look for politicians to help because they are the root of the problem. Many people say a return to God will stem the tide of evil devouring our country. I don’t look for this to happen because Jesus is coming. Our only protection from evil is prayer. Jesus said when you pray, say “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” Mt 6:13. Pray for your children. Pray for your grandchildren. Know what your children are watching, what games they are playing, who they are friends with. And especially what are they viewing on their cell phones and who or what is influencing them? There is a roaring lion on the prowl, and he could be in your home.