I’m Not Confused – Are You?

The communistic based culture revolution is worldwide, especially here in the US and Canada. Hardly a day goes by without reading of another outrageous attempt by schools and private `industry to make us in their new image. Private industry and schools are the primary means the godless are using to accomplish this herculean task. Evil darkness has descended upon America. Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

There may be hope on the horizon to at least slow down the tide. Anheuser-Busch has seen Bud-light sales freefall since their partnership with transgender influenced Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney is a man transitioning to a woman. Mulvaney posted daily videos on the social media platform TikTok since early 2022 detailing his transition. Bud Light sent Mulvaney some cans of beer featuring an image of her face in celebration for Mulvaney’s year of “girlhood” as well as preparation for March Madness.

Anheuser-Busch markets itself as “America’s beer.” When word got out that Anheuser-Busch was promoting transgenderism by putting a man impersonating a woman on a beer can, its customer base revolted. Conservative commentators, male country and western singers and other celebrities called for a boycott. In recent weeks, Anheuser-Busch has seen its sales plummet by over 25% and losing billions of dollars in market value. Anheuser-Busch corporate was stunned and quickly transitioned to panic mode.

It rolled out a couple of ads highlighting how great America is using the famous Clydesdale horses, the American flag, and other icons of America. The CEO has made the rounds talking about how great America is and we are listening to our customers. The masses appear unmoved by this small token of contriteness. One thing he hasn’t done and will not do is apologize to its outraged customers. Huge multinational corporations like Disney and Anheuser-Busch will take the temporary economic hit. They will weather the storm and move on to their next shocking venture.

Christians need to see this for what this is; this is a Satanic attack on everything that is good, pure, and wholesome. There are people of many faiths and non-faiths that are outraged at this celebration of gender dysphoria. They object to making all forms of sexual immorality normal and wholesome. Satan is well represented in the corporate boardrooms of industry and finance. He has placed his ministers at the highest levels of government, churches, social clubs, and schools.

Renfrew County Catholic District School Board suspended Josh Alexander, a high school student in Ontario, last November. They suspended him for his Christian belief that God only made males and females. He opposed allowing gender confused males to use girls’ restrooms. Recently Alexander says they have suspended his parents from their Ontario school board jobs. He says, “My parents are under attack simply for having raised me. They couldn’t get to me, so they’ve attacked my family.” This is a well-used communist tactic. The School Board released a statement saying that barring Alexander from class is a “human rights” issue because gender-confused males have a “right” to use girls’ bathrooms. I like the wording “gender confused.” I ask who is confusing them?

Mark Finn told a Loudoun County Virginia school board meeting back in Dec. 2022 that “[LGBT] behaviors should never have been promoted, taught, or encouraged in the schools that you oversee.” He paraphrased Jesus in the Gospels. “If any man or woman causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for [them] if a millstone to be put around your neck and thrown into the lake,” Winn said, adding, “Get back to reading, writing and arithmetic and quit grooming and pimping.”

Online posters to the “Loudoun Love Warriors” group wrote “Lives need to be ruined beyond repair.” “Lets actually destroy them. Grind them.” These posters have cost Winn his job. He is now unemployed. These people have no shame. They are evil.

Satan has a fifth column in schools, and they are the progressive teachers and administrators who embrace the new wokeness. When a teacher tells a student not to tell their parents, something smells. We send our impressionable children to school to get an excellent education. Instead, they come home dazed and confused because the teachers are confused. Jesus said if the blind lead the blind, they both fall in the ditch.

It hurts me to say schools are no longer safe for our children and grandchildren. I’ve talked with my grandchildren who go to small midwestern schools. To my horror, gender dysphoria is being tolerated if not encouraged in their schools. Young people are being counseled to seek medical treatment for gender dysphoria instead of mental health counseling to overcome it. Experts say once a person takes transitioning drugs, it’s a slippery slope to mental illness and a lifetime of debilitating health issues. Maybe a child will find a Bible somewhere, probably not in school, and read Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin [is] death, but the gift of God [is] eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. There is no going back. I’m not confused. Are you?