Coming Soon Your Social Credit Worthiness Score
 (As published in The Press Dispatch News)

Famed British atheist and evolutionary biologist and author Richard Dawkins recently jumped into the woke, LGBTQ activism, and gender ideology fray. In an interview, he said, “there are two sexes, and that’s all there is to it.” As a scientist, Dawkins is not afraid to go where angels fear treading.

Dawkins is no stranger to controversy. In 2021, he tweeted a post that riled up the woke crowd. His post says, “In 2015, Rachel Dolezal, a white chapter president of the NAACP, was vilified for identifying as Black. Some men choose to identify as women, and some women choose to identify as men. You will be vilified if you deny that they literally are what they identify as.” He simply stated a biological fact which the woke crowd took offense with and sought to discredit and cancel him.

Dawkins is no friend of religion. However, he is adamant that people should be free to discuss and ask questions. In his interview with British journalist and TV personality Piers Morgan, Dawkins said, “There are people for whom the word discuss doesn’t mean discuss, it means you’ve taken a position, which I hadn’t… I thought it was a reasonable thing to discuss.” Public discussion on controversial topics is vanishing like the dodo bird.

Freedom of speech is a first amendment right granted by the US Constitution. Along with freedom of protest and religion. This right is taking a beating and in danger of being canceled. Most Americans are unaware that communist tactics are being used to stifle dissent and public discussion surrounding controversial topics. Communist China uses the tried-and-true communist tactic of public “shaming” to control dissent. Chairman Mao understood young people are more vulnerable to exploitation and their beliefs shaped by communist ideology than mature adults. The youth find this shaming tactic attractive. Think bullying. No one wants to be associated with someone publicly shamed out of fear they too will be shamed. It is a very effective tool used by all communist governments. Think cancel culture. 

A good book to read describing communist “cancel” tactics is, “The Enemy Within: An Eyewitness Account Of The Communist Conquest Of China,” by Fr Raymond J. De Jaegher and Irene Corbally Kuhn. Fr Raymond de Jaegher spent 19 years as a missionary in China (1930-49). He is an eyewitness to the communist takeover of China. He survived internment in a Japanese concentration during WWII. After the war, he saw how the communist revolution swept the country using youth and “cancel culture” tactics. The widespread killing of people who were determined to be “enemies of the people’s revolution” was another tactic used to terrorize the populace and squelch dissent.

Eventually Fr Raymond found himself on a list for “quick liquidation” (a common communist tactic used to eliminate problem people, such as the religious, the smart, and the old). He received forewarning of his impending liquidation and reluctantly fled China in 1949. Even a cursory reading of his book is a real eyeopener and will help the reader understand what “cancel culture” is all about. You can find a free PDF copy of this book on the Internet. 

China has come a long way since Mao. China is the first country to establish an official “social credit score.” The idea began in 2007 and was rolled out in 2014. It began focusing on financial credit worthiness and moved on to include compliance and legal violations. China’s social credit system now covers all aspects of life. Your boss, a coworker, next-door neighbor, a friend, or a stranger can report your unacceptable behavior. Buy too many video games, steal, caught jaywalking, don’t pay a court bill, play your music too loud, associate with the wrong person, drive badly, say or post the wrong thing, and you could lose certain rights such as travel by train or air. A low score can prevent you from being employed by the government or private business. Employers can check a social credit database and Communist officials urge employers to do so before hiring. Sound familiar?

China’s societal control is coming to your town soon. In some ways, it is already here. People throughout America are finding themselves canceled for speaking up. People have lost their jobs, been arrested and thrown in jail, assaulted, lost friends, marriages destroyed, and families ripped apart because they dared to question the cancel crowd’s woke ideology. These heavy-handed communist tactics strike fear into the populace and make us more sheeplike. Think the book, “1984.”

We are in the grips of an evil revolution. It is a revolution we will lose, but ultimately win. The psalmist laments that he is doing everything right, but seemingly to no avail. The wicked prospers while he sinks further into despair. He is about to give up “Until I went into the sanctuary of God; [Then] I understood their end”. Ps 73:17. Do you understand the end?