We’ve been collecting good sermons for many years. Some of the speakers are Independent, or Methodist, or Pentecostal, or of some other denomination. No denomination or preacher has the market cornered on truth. Truth is found in Jesus’ words and the Holy Scriptures. In Luke chapter nine John told Jesus they saw a man “using your name to expel demons and we stopped him because he wasn’t of our group.” Jesus replied, “Don’t stop him. If he’s not an enemy, he’s an ally.” The angel told John in Revelation “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Anyone speaking for Jesus should be heard. The Spirit will bear witness to the Truth.
Rev Roger Tobey is a prolific Bible teacher. You will enjoy his teaching.
The law was only a shadow. It was a shadow. In any of you know about shadows. I lived in the country for a long time. When I see a good moon come out at night. If something gets between you and the moon, it causes a shadow. But anytime you see a shadow of a gorilla coming your way, you better run because the shadow lets you know the real thing is coming on its way.
The Shadow and the Real
Rev George Glass Sr. is a well known camp-meeting preacher among Pentecostals. He preached all over the US and many foreign lands. This message though preached years ago, is just as relevant and timely today.
Satan Among the Saints
Wherever God’s people assemble, Satan is among us. I didn’t say in them; I said among them. He’ll get in you if he can. But I’m going to preach tonight about the thought of Satan among the Saints. Not Satan in the Saints, Satan among the Saints. And it’s of interest to me to know why he came. Why he’s here?
Defeating the Devil with his own Weapons
My God is able to take the sword out of the devil’s hand today. And defeat him with his own weapon on his own battleground. I’m going to do my best to exalt the greatness of God. The unlimited omnipotent. Unsearchable power of almighty God. Then I’m also anxious to preach to you. About the weakness of Satan. And I don’t want to underestimate his power. But I do want you to keep in mind he only has that which God allows him to have.
Rev. David Wilkerson authored the book “The Cross and the Switchblade, founded “Teen Challenge” and established and Pastors “Times Square Church.” He is a prophetic voice and prolific speaker to the Church.
The Coming Persecutions
This message was preached at a convention in 1975 and describes a vision God gave him in 1973 concerning the coming persecution of Spirit-filled believers. It covers five calamities coming to America and the world. It’s like reading today’s newspaper. Wilkerson states that parts of this vision will come to pass in the very near future. Some of the events are more distant. But he believes all the events mentioned will happen in this generation! Hear the amazing predictions and prophecies:
Hate Christ clubs – Persecution of Charismatic Catholics – Nude dancing and séances in churches – X-rated movies on TV – Homosexual churches – A super world church – Satan ministers – A spiritual awakening in Russia and China – A major earthquake in the United States – A coming recession – Homosexual mass murders
A frightening, almost unbelievable vision that ends in hope for all true Christians.
“Now if you believe Acts 2:4, about a special “dunamis power from on high…then you’ve got to also believe Acts 2:17, your sons and your daughters shall prophecy and your young men shall see visions.”
Bishop Charles O. Mills is a dynamic speaker and orator, This exciting message will leave you thrilled and armed for warfare against Satan.
Shake it off and make the Devil take it back
From these scriptures I want to use this subject, shake it off and make the devil take it back, shake it off and make the devil take it. That’s it. These are the days when we’re going through. And some people. Really don’t know what to do, but I’m here to tell you you can shake it off and make the devil take it back. Oh no, he don’t want to take anything back. You and I must make him take it back. And there’s no need. To cry poor. My and said what did I do to deserve it? Why is the devil picking on me? Well, is his job to pick on you, but it’s your job to get the devil off of you.
Bishop Morris Ellis Golder–when he died, July 22, 2000, left behind a powerful Apostolic legacy and a thriving congregation, Grace Apostolic Church, in Indianapolis, Indiana, which he founded in 1953. Born January 23, 1913 to Earl and Margaret Golder, Morris was only a small boy when his parents were converted at Eleventh and Senate, later Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church. The Golder family was blessed to sit under the visionary leadership of Bishop Garfield Thomas Haywood, who distinguished himself in the early Pentecostal movement as a theologian, hymnist, dynamic preacher, and stalwart apologist.
God’s Re-Creation of Man
This book of Genesis Records not only the beginning of the heavens and the Ark. But Doctor Arthur Pink has called the Book of Genesis. The seed plot of the whole entire Bible for. Any doctrine of any consequence? That is to be found later in this sacred book has the seed for lead in the Book of Genesis. There is a book of beginning that deals with the beginning of things as the Book of Revelation deals with the consummation or the end of things. And this book primarily. Is concerned with man and his relationships his life. And at the top while it is dealing with man and his relationship and his life. It is also a progressive shop regulation of the one eternal God. You find in this book the Revelation of God that through many of his divine names and titles. And under Shadow and invite you find it, culminating with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Come Boldly to Jesus
The message. Let me say at the very outset that this has been for me. And tremendous occasion. I never knew that in my life that I would be in this part of the country, administering the word of the Lord. But when a man yields himself to the Lord. He doesn’t know where the Lord is going to send me, know how the Lord is going to use. We used to sing a song and Pentecost early. I’ll go where you want me to go. Dear Lord. Over mountain or plain and sea. I’ll say what you want me to say. You Lord, I’ll be what you want next. And I’m here because I said yes to the Lord. And I am glad to be here.
The Interval In-between
Without any further ado, let me call your attention to the third chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes. The first two verses I would like to read. To everything, there is a season. And a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born. And a time to die. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. I don’t want to read any further. But I’d have you to note. A time to be born. And a time to die. But I want to use for the subject. The interval between. The interval between a time to be born. And time to die. The time of our birth. Is the time over which none of us have any control. We did not ask to make our entry into the world. And we are not here because of our own personal appointments. And most of us. All of us, I guess. Nor live our birth. We had nothing to do with the choice of race. Nor do we have anything to do with our station in life. Whether we were born into a rich family or poor, we had nothing to do with it.
Rev. Robert Scott pulls no punches when he preaches. A gifted orator and lover of the Word of God.
Keep a Tight Ship
But I feel like that we as children of God, are not as tight as we are to be. We’re not right running a tight ship. I worked for the Navy for 20 years and they always kept the deck clean. And there’s things that I think we’re letting slip and we need to tighten up. Because if we don’t, we’ll find ourselves in the predicament that Elder Johnson was talking about when he was down there. I’m not talking about you having idols as God. Are you yourself as your own? But the thing that I want you and I to hold to is the things that we have learned from our forefathers. From those that were saved before us. And that we might hold to those things that we might be able to make this journey into heaven. And the thing that I I wanted to get into was we need to get back to the basics. We have gotten so far off base in some places. I think it’s time that we take note and tighten up and see how we line up for what we say we are. And you know what I was thinking of the sign, the slogan that Sears and Roebuck had years ago, they say if you’re out of basics, you’re out of business. Let me give you an example. If you have a grocery store. And you don’t have no flower, no salt, no sugar, no butter, no milk. Those are the basics. Take your sign down. You’re not a grocery store.
Revival or Restoration
But when we come to God, God will not accept your offering if it isn’t right. You cannot bring God anything. You can’t run in and fall down, say I’m here again. God, I’ve goofed again. Just give me another chance. You don’t do that. You know you don’t do that when you go in the courtroom. I didn’t. And you won’t either. When you approach the bench or the judge, you address him, your honor. And when we come before God, we ought to break ourselves up. We should humble ourselves and one of the points that I think you and I need to remember is humility. Because Jesus humbled himself, even to the death of the cross.
Lance Lambert is a noted Middle-Eastern authority on Israel and the Palestinian issue. After spending many years in Israel, Lance Lambert has lectured extensively on Middle East issues especially Islam and its threat to world peace.
Islamic Fundamentalism
Lambert takes the listener methodically through the basic tenants of Islam and Judaism and explains why Moslem and Jews are in armed conflict. Lance Lambert is an excellent orator and Bible teacher. Whether you’re an advanced Bible student or a novice, Lambert’s teaching will enlighten you. After listening to his message, you will understand ever so clearly why this conflict will never end without divine intervention.
“You will never Spiritually understand in a way that will involve you in prayer warfare in this whole matter unless you understand the Spiritual ure of this conflict. This is nothing to do with some ancient religion, which is just become somewhat popular in the twentieth-century.”
Rev. T.G. McNeely’s message is electrifying and sober. He speaks from personal experience about the danger of letting a root of bitterness get into your heart.
Trophies of Hell
I’m not immune from any sin that any Sinner can commit. I’m not immune from that because I’m a preacher. I still have the same flesh. That I had the night. I’ve got the Holy Ghost. And if I don’t do what the Bible says, walk in the spirit and crucify the flesh, deny myself, take up my cross, and follow him. And love him with all of my heart, mind, soul, strength and spirit and put him first in my life. I can revert right back to live in a carnal life and and give heed to the desires of my flesh, and I can die lost and commit sin griever than I committed before I was ever saved.
Rev. Wayne Huntley, If you’ve ever wished you could remember or forget something, this timeless message is for you.
Two Mysteries
I’d like to, with God’s help tonight. Talked to his church. About two aspects of the mystery. That’s within us and within our. I’m talking about the mystery of memory. And how it applies to us. There are some unforgettable incidents. In our lives. That came to linger. Some good. Some bad. Most of you sitting here tonight have memories in the file cabinets of your heart. But you wouldn’t share with your mother or with your closest friend. Or t0he closest councilor. They’re just things you would like to forget. But they’re of that nature that they’re unforgettable. They’re sticky. They hang in there. They seemed to endure. And then for things in there are thought to be forgotten. Things that you couldn’t recall if you had to if you were called upon. But you may pick up an odor. Just the sniff of it and that trigger a mechanism that opens a little fire from it, pushes very deep into your psychology, you understand. And out comes the foul. And a whole series of memories. Just seems wrong though that you thought you’d forgotten.
Rev. Fred Underwood is a straight to the heart preacher.
Be an Honest Christian
There are many things that we have to tell an audience or people in private counsel that they will not accept, even though it be Bible, and even though it be the truth. This is not anything new. It was true back in biblical days. I could give you many illustrations. It was true when Nathan confronted David. And David had to tell him the truth about himself. It is always very hard to look at someone in the eye, even as a minister and tell them you are the one that is wrong. And you need to do something about it to rectify it. But if we are to be a Minister of God. A pastor, as Jeremiah said, we do the word of God. Then we must at all times confront those that are guilty. It was true when Elijah confronted Ahab. It was true when Paul confronted the Galatian people a second time. Very profound statement. The great apostle Paul the evangelist said, do I offend you because I tell you the truth? Many people today I find are offended over the truth. If they were really an honest Christian I don’t believe they would be offended. If they were living an honest life, I don’t believe the Bible would offend them in any measure. There are those that would select a few scriptures and hold on to them because tradition tells them to hold on to those scriptures. And to forget the rest of the Bible. And to forget the real true plan of salvation. But remember the tradition. I don’t believe an honest Christian will beat another man out of money, or anything connected thereof.
Rev Marvin Hicks is a gifted sought after speaker for campground meetings and revivals all over the world.
World Revival
Before we talk about the heavenly vision. And the vision of revival. I want to talk about the earthly vision. And the vision of apostasy I see looming on the distant horizon tonight, the harlot Church of great apostasy and strength, riding to conquer and to subdue. And to get a stranglehold from the last vestige of Pentecostal power that this world has ever known. The Bible doesn’t say they’ve been hard at work and will come to a world power on her own religion.
Mervyn Miller is a life-long Pentecostal Missionary–although he confesses he didn’t start out a Pentecostal. His message speaks from his personal experiences starting from a young boy miraculously healed of polio thus dumbfounding his doctors. His life is a walking testimony to the the fact the God still miraculously heals, performs miracles, and pours out his Spirit.
“This Message Will Be Preached
The news was brought to my parents that I’d never really be able to walk. They put me in braces and that was the pronouncement of the doctor: he would be a cripple the rest of his life…but…last night in a Pentecostal Church over in East Belfast Mervyn was anointed with oil in the name of the Lord. And through that name and the power of God he’s completely whole.”
Rev. Paul Isch is the Pastor of Dublin Gospel Mission in Dublin Indiana
The Waiting Room or the Living Room
“I’m going to ask you a question. Is your church a waiting room or a living room? Well let me just describe a waiting room. A church that’s a waiting room is usually something like this. It’s a church…that depends on their pastor…for about everything. They’re setting around waitingon Jesus to return first of all. Waiting for the rapture.Well we need to be expecting that. Nothing wrong with that. But my Bible tells me we’re to be busy while we’re waiting. Brian said it well…Ialmost said Amen Brian go ahead and preach. We’re to be busy about the master’s business. When was the last time you talked to someoneabout their soul. You invited them to church. You say there is no body to invite. Next Sunday morning don’t go to church…drive around see how many people are still at home. No don’t do that. Leave church five minutes early and do it. My point is simply this. That’s what we’re doing we’re waiting on Jesus to come…the church that’s a waiting room. We’re waiting on the pastor to come up with a plan to reach the whole community without using you. Now if I was a pastor and could do that I would do it…but I can’t.”
Rev Ford Bond
But I remember in a John Wayne movie where John Wayne reminds one of his costars that when you get someplace where you think God’s not been, he’s already there. He’s already been there and I know that God is here. Just as much as I know of God is in Plainville and in New Lebanon where my wife pastors and he’s here to share with us and ask us to come and be a part of him.
Strangers No More
Rev Curtis Bond has been in active Christian ministry since 1982. He has pastored churches in the four-corners of Indiana and in-between. He is a gifted speaker and holds people’s attention. He currently pastors the Tippecanoe Christian Church in Pulaski County Indiana.
The Offense of the Cross
“Sin is around us…so the bottom line is the cross offends. When we think about how the cross offends we have to go back to Deuteronomy 21 (vs 22-23). And its a familiar portion of scripture during the time of lent often its read that..if a man has committed a sin worthy of death and he be put to death and you hang him on a tree: His body shall not remain until the evening time, but you shall bury him day; for he that is hanged on a tree is accursed of God;) that the land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God gives you for an inheritance.”
Take Away The Stone
Now you and I both know… Jesus could have called him forth out of that rock. Hecould have said Lazarus come forth and he’d a just vaporized right out of that rock. He didn’t have to have that rock rolled away. He could have said Lazarus come forth and there could have been a great earthquake and the rock rolled itself away. He wanted us to understand that we have to do our part…and our part is to allow God an opportunity to move into our heart… to move in. Because Lazarus was in a tomb he was dead and he needed to come out. Roll that stone away and let me bring him to life. And that’s what you and I have to do every day of our life…is make sure that rock stays rolled out of the way. That he can come in and bring our heart to life.
Don’t Let the Rocks Cry Out
(Palm Sunday)
Yea he got proclaimed King all right didn’t he? Sure he did… absolutely exactly like itwas prophesied. But he wasn’t proclaimed King by his people…he was proclaimed King by Pilate. And Pilate put the subscription on the cross. They went back to Pilate and said no no no no no write on it he said he was. Pilate said uh ho, I’ve written what I have written and he drove them out. Don’t let the rocks cry out in your place.
The Cost of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer stood against the Nazis and wrote one of the most prolifc books on what it means to really be a disciple of Christ.
You Need a Vision Bigger than Yourself
What motivates people to swim against the tide?