An Unapologetic Viewpoint
What does an unapologetic viewpoint mean?
In Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians chapter 11, we read Paul met with opposition everywhere he traveled. If it wasn’t for the divine protection of God and His grace, Paul would have died long before he appeared before Nero in Rome. His perils came from his own countrymen, unbelievers, and false brethren. He told the Philippians that he preached Christ out of love and knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel. He was sold out to Jesus. He was unapologetic.
Paul told Timothy that everyone who lives Godly in Christ will suffer persecution. Unfortunately, Satan has been successful in dividing Christians using abortion rights, a host of sexual identity rights, marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman and other hot-button issues. Many people no longer contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. They have replaced sound doctrine with new understandings of so-called science and better Bible translations. Make the wrong statement at work, publish the wrong post on social media and they can cancel you. Many clergy are running scared. Freedom to preach the word of God with conviction and authority is evaporating like freedom of speech. You can have all the freedom you want in the unemployment line.
Jesus told the people they sought to kill him because he told them the truth. Paul asked the Galatians if he had become their enemy because he told them the truth? They were unapologetic.
He wrote to the church in Rome; For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. Paul’s conversion and unabashed outspokenness for Jesus severed ties with his countrymen. Not that he wanted to sever them. It was his boldness for Jesus and the cross of Christ that put him at odds with his former compatriots. He was unapologetic. So are we!