Dunamai.com began in 1997. The name Dunamai was chosen because it means power.
The word Dunamai is Greek, which means “to be able, have power whether because of one’s own ability and resources, or of a state of mind, or through favorable circumstances, or by permission of law or custom.” From a New Testament example, the word means “you CAN do something”. When the Leper said to Jesus…If You are willing, You ‘CAN’ (δύναμαι) make me clean (Mark 1:40), the Leper believed Jesus had the power and ability to heal.
As Christians, we have the power and the ability to do something. God gives us power by the Holy Spirit to go into the world and make disciples for Jesus Christ. We may have little to offer, like the young boy who had five loaves of bread and two fish. But used for the Master’s purpose it can feed a multitude.
Our goal is to give to you what we have as freely as possible. We do not seek to profit financially. We have no corporate or church sponsors. We claim no denominational or church membership except that of the early church: And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch (Acts 11:26). All believers are Christians first. Church history reveals the early church evangelized their world without organized religion. Organized religions arose long after the apostolic age.
So browse our web site and bookmark it for future reference. You’ll be amazed at the amount of resources we have available here. And we add more resources almost daily.